Friday, December 4, 2015

DTI seeks wider participation of LGUs in competitiveness survey

TACLOBAN CITY, Dec. 3 (PNA) – The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is stepping up its advocacy among local government units (LGUs) on the Cities and Municipalities Competitiveness Index (CMCI) survey in a bid to widen the participation of provinces in competitiveness ranking.
DTI Regional Director Cynthia Nierras, chair of the regional competitiveness committee, said they just completed the orientation with local government officials in Samar, Eastern Samar, Northern Samar, and Southern Leyte.
“We will be meeting local officials in Leyte and Southern Leyte to solicit their support. Information kits will be distributed to mayors in preparation for the 2016 CMCI,” Nierras said.
The CMCI is an annual ranking of Philippine cities and municipalities based on an overall competitive score along the three indicators and their sub-indicators – economic dynamism, government efficiency, and infrastructure.
In the 2014 survey, only 14 of the 143 cities and towns in Eastern Visayas have made it to the roster of competitive areas last year due to lack of data gathered from LGUs.
Initial result for 2015 disclosed that only Leyte province was able to participate in the provincial ranking, having met the minimum 60 percent of the total population of all the participating areas.
Nierras said more cities and towns could have been included in the survey had the towns and cities took part in the data gathering.
“Results also revealed that majority of the LGUs in the region covered by the survey were ranked at the bottom or near bottom, which indicates low competitiveness partly due to lacking data on the three indicators,” she explained.
The overall competitiveness score is determined by the completion rate or all the number of data points filled out over the number of data points required. These information are sourced from the LGUs and national government agencies.
On Sept. 24, 2015, the Regional Development Council approved the CMCI action plan of Region 8 for adoption and support by the LGUs and concerned regional line agencies.
Prepared by DTI, the action plan includes advocacy, capability-building, and institutionalization activities intended to improve data collection in succeeding surveys, thereby enhancing the reliability of the survey.
The study serves as basis for LGUs to improve their competitiveness to attract investments and contribute to socioeconomic development. (PNA)

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