The DENR will tap a group of experts from the private sector to conduct the validation within this year for areas covered by the massive reforestation program launched in 2011, said DENR-NGP regional coordinator Ricardo Tomol.
“There have been validation activities in the past, but this
is the first time that we will tap a third party to revisit NGP areas. They
will see if how many planted trees survived and if reforestation really
improved the lives of people in the community,” Tomol said on Wednesday.
Earlier, the DENR has entered a contract with a private firm
to validate areas planted with mangroves, also a component of NGP. The next
step is to expand the assessment to upland areas.
Aside from measuring the physical status of the project, the
validation will also determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the project
implementation; generate feedbacks, lessons, and experiences on the project
implementation procedures; and provide recommendations as input to program designing
and in aid of policy formulation.
The NGP is one of the flagship program of the DENR, which
aims to reforest 1.5 million hectares of denuded lands nationwide from
2011-2016 for food security, poverty alleviation, climate change mitigation and
adaptation, and biodiversity conservation.
The project will continue until 2022 since there are still
many open areas potential for reforestation activities, Tomol said.
In 2016, NGP planted 27,993 seedlings in 16,818 hectares.
Last year, the project reforested 13,499 hectares by planting 6,578 seedlings.
For 2018, the target is to plant in 9,218 hectares.
Planted areas are being maintained by people’s organizations
through contract agreements with the DENR. Tomol said they expect a survival
rate of 85 percent in the first six years after planting. (SQM/PNA)
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