Victim Jason Tasan, a fifth grader of the town’s Libertad Elementary School, accompanied his mother in picking some spilled newly-harvested rice grains with other villagers when suddenly a snake attacked and bit his chest.
Beatriz, the victim’s
mother, said his son went ahead of the group to gather more grains when she
suddenly heard him shouting for help.
The victim’s mother
rushed to her son and picked him up to look for help.
Beatriz, walked for
two hours, carrying her son on her back as the boy complained of feeling weak
and faint, before the child was given first aid by a traditional healer. Later,
the boy was brought to a hospital in Ormoc City, some 30 kilometers away.
At the hospital,
Jason was immediately injected with anti-venom but perished few minutes later.
The boy is the
youngest of nine siblings and the second to die due to snake attack. A snake
bite also claimed the life of another son of Beatriz in 1990, which give
strength to the claims of several villagers that venomous Philippine cobra
species can be found in their area.
It has been the
tradition of their village during harvest season to gather the spilled rice
grains that are offered to them for free. Jason even missed school that day to
assist Beatriz so as to get more. They belong to deprived family. (ERR/PNA)
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