Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Regional sports event highlights tourism sites

CALBAYOG CITY, Samar, Feb. 5  -- The 2018 Eastern Visayas Regional Athletics Association (EVRAA) Meet will not only focus on the promotion of sports, but will also familiarize players and officials with the region’s tourism destinations.
Calbayog tourism officer Ronald Ricafort said tourism promotion is part of the five-day sports event as approved by EVRAA executive committee members.
Tourism offices from seven cities and six provinces of the region, where Department of Education (DepEd) field offices are located, will display information about their tourist attractions in the Tourism Expo located at Nijaga Park. It will run until noontime of February 9.
Local products from the 13 areas will also be displayed at the booths for visitors to buy.
“There will be a nightly presentation at the tourism booth that will encourage people to drop by at the tourism expo,” Ricafort added.
As host city, Calbayog will promote to members of EVRAA delegations two of their popular tourism destinations for delegates to visit.
These are the Tarangban and Bangon Falls in Tinaplacan village and the tourism attraction in Malajog, which include zipline, kayak ride, meditation, and river cruising.
The city tourism office also offers discounts and free rides to featured local tourism destinations.
Meanwhile, Calbayog City Mayor Ronaldo Aquino said this year’s hosting of the regional sports event is successful, with the participation of many stakeholders responding to the call of the city government and the DepEd.
“Thank you to the executive committee, and to the collaboration with DepEd and to those who had extended support to make this event a success,” Aquino said during the opening ceremony Sunday night.
Delegations coming from the 13 DepEd division offices in the region will stay in the city until February 10. The city prepared a street party for the athletes, coaches and officials on Friday night.
DepEd Regional Director Ramir Uytico congratulated the local government for hosting the annual school-based regional sports event.
“Even during the preparation until this very hour, I consider the hosting of Calbayog for this year’s EVRAA meet a successful one,” Uytico said.
The sports events that kicked off Monday are archery, arnis, athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, billiard, boxing, chess, dance sports, football, futsal, gymnastics, pencak silat, sepak takraw, softball, swimming, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, volleyball, wrestling, and wushu. (RTA/PNA)

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