Wednesday, May 17, 2017

DPWH Southern Leyte adopts revised procurement rules

MAASIN CITY, May 16-- The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Southern Leyte district engineering office has fully adopted the amended procurement system designed to enhance transparency and prevent wastage of government funds. 

District Engineer Ma. Margarita C. Junia said the field office started the implementation of the revised procurement policy last month after their key official attended the 10-day seminar workshop at the DPWH regional office in Palo, Leyte.

“The process makes it more transparent and competitive on top addressing delays, overruns, substandard works, conflicting interpretations, procedural lapses, and corruption,” Junia said.

The policy is printed in the new DPWH Procurement Manual published mid last year.
Revisions were made in some parts of the existing policies and rules of the procurement system, such as in posting of invitation to bid on newspaper, bid security and shopping threshold. 

Under new rules, invitation to bid for goods above PHP10 million, infrastructure above PHP15 million, and consultancy services above PHP5 million should be published in a newspaper of nationwide circulation. 

“This would surely avoid delays, thus, accomplishing more projects within the deadline,” Junia added. 

The amendments made are in line with the commitment of the Philippine government to promote good governance and its efforts to adhere to the principles of transparency, accountability, equity, efficiency, and economy in its procurement procedures. 

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