Thursday, December 22, 2016

Groups ink deal to strengthen scouting in PHL

TACLOBAN CITY, Dec. 4 (PNA) – The Eagle Scouts of the Philippines (ESOP) and the Boy Scouts of the Philippines have forged a memorandum of agreement to carry out a shared undertaking in the propagation and promotion of scouting ideals and strengthening of the Scouting Movement in the Philippines.

The agreement defines, clarifies and specifies in details the roles and functions of both the BSP and the Eagle Scouts Organization of the Philippines (ESOP) in order to further improve and strengthen its partnership and contribute to overall development of the scouting movement.

Chito Morante, ESOP national chairman said the newly signed deal made more significant their commitment to promote the scouting movement in the community and through school-based programs where they both are interested to assist.

Morante emphasized that ESOP has had more supportive role to BSP and continue to seek out objectives that enables the organization to become distinct and provide value to its membership.

Under the agreement, ESOP has the responsibility, among others, to assist and help the Boy Scouts of the Philippines in the promotion of its advancement program and encourage all Scouts to attain the highest rank; to assist and help the Boy Scouts of the Philippines (BSP) by serving as Merit Badge Counselors and Members of the Board of Review if or when qualified.

The group also encouraged all former Scouts who have attained the highest rank to become active members again in the Scouting movement by registering and coordinating with respective local and regional councils and to be able to help in the development of young boys to become good citizens of the country.

Meanwhile, the BSP, is set to issue a national memorandum to regional offices and local councils informing them about this agreement and the roles and functions of ESOP in the promotion, development and implementation of the eagle scouting programs; accept the registration of all ESOP members in the jurisdiction of its Local Councils.

They are also tasked to assist ESOP members in their personal development in scouting in accordance with the BSP adults in scouting policy; accept and provide opportunities and slots for qualified ESOP members to participate in local, regional, national and international scouting events; and, provide ESOP with the necessary advice and recommendations to improve and further enhance its capacities and capabilities on School and Community-Based Scouting programs as well as in community service and development.

“We have to redefine ourselves as a relevant resource, and show our fellow Filipinos, that we are a touchstone for values and vision. We need to include and engage all members of the Scouting family, including those that have gone on to other things in life,” Morante said.

ESOP is a non-stock and non-profit organization formed to perpetually kindle in the hearts and minds the true spirit of the scout oath and law, to strive and spread the values of leadership and service by leading and guiding other community and school-based scouts to achieve the highest rank in the scouting movement.

On the other hand, the BSP is a public corporation organized under Commonwealth Act No. 111, as amended by Presidential Decree No. 460 and Republic Act No. 7278, existing in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.

The agreement signed takes effect for a two years subject to renewal upon mutual consent of the parties or unless sooner revoked, amended or superseded by another agreement.
lgi/SQM/Ahlette C. Reyes

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