Thursday, October 20, 2016

Leyte pays tribute to BoyScout hero

TOLOSA, Leyte, Oct. 20 (PNA) –- This sleepy town has paid tribute to a boy scout hero who was instrumental in saving communities from destructive naval bombardment 72 years ago.

"Don't bomb the beaches. There are civilians. If possible let me direct the shelling," Scoutmaster Valeriano Abello told the American Forces.

Abello relayed the message with the help of his other two companions, Antero Junia Sr. and Vicente Tiston to the US forces on Oct. 18, 1944. This gesture saved many people in Leyte, leading to the liberation of the Philippines from Japanese forces.

Abello, a native of Telegrafo village in Tolosa, Leyte used his knowledge in semaphore flag signalling to aid the American Navy to destroy Japanese defenses and saved towns and barrios from destructive shelling.

He was a foreman during the Japanese occupation, who has been forced to work on the defense system.

The scoutmaster received the Legion of Honor by President Ramon Magsaysay on Oct. 20, 1956.

"Their heroism has firmed our belief in democracy, in equality among men, and enabling men to achieve his full potential," said Leyte Governor Leopoldo Dominico Petilla.

"That act earned Scout Abello a monument at this seaside. But more than a monument to remind us in this modern times. Let us be reminded to push frontiers of the fight for adversity beyond its present confines," he added.

The scoutmaster died in 2000. An attempt by relatives to have Abello buried at the Libingan ng mga Bayani failed.

Every Oct. 20 of the year, Leyte province commemorates Leyte Gulf Landings. This is considered as largest naval battle in the Pacific and the second battle of the Philippine Sea against Japanese invaders.

The allied forces won in this battle, ending years of Japanese occupation in the Philippines. (PNA) JMC/SQM/Dara Pearl P. Dacuyan (OJT)

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