Friday, December 4, 2015

PopCom E. Visayas brings RH education to higher pace

GUIUAN, Eastern Samar, Dec. 3 (PNA) -- Two years after its implementation, the You for You (U4U) program, an entertainment-education learning package will now be linked to a menu of adolescent sexuality and reproductive health (ASRH) interventions.
Dubbed as U4U SPHERE (School-Peers-Health-Engagement-Research-Employment), the strategy will be implemented in areas where officials committed to a holistic approach in ASRH programming, said Reyan Arinto, Commission on Populations (PopCom) regional information officer.
The Adolescent Health and Youth Development (AHYD) program, U4U SPHERE interventions include an integrated school-based program with focus on guidance counseling, life skills and values education; peer education outreach program; facility-based services with healthy lifestyle and fitness promotion; parent effectiveness seminars; a Teen Track system; career guidance; and job placement.
“The learning package provides young Filipinos with critical information to help prevent teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections through mobile and Internet platforms,” Arinto explained.
The official said that since its launching in July 2014, about 70 U4U events have been staged in several areas of the region that reached 10,000 youth with critical messages on ASRH.
In its initial take-off as U4U SPHERE, PopCom has provided technical assistance to this town in holding an advocacy workshop to stakeholders and committed to conduct parenting adolescent seminars as part of the intervention.
The Center for Health Solutions and Innovations, Philippines, Inc. (CHSI) provided the funding.
Ma. Socorro Flores, the town health officer said there was an increase of teenage pregnancies in the town over the past years. This poses a high risk for maternal deaths among young girls.
“The lack of access to age-appropriate, correct and accurate information as well as adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services put young people at risk of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections due to early and unprotected sexual activity,” Flores explained.
She said U4U could be an alternative activity to reduce cases of too early pregnancies in Guiuan. The idea was strongly backed by Mayor Christopher Sheen Gonzales, who earlier committed to deliver a rational and systematic approach in planning and conducted U4U activities all over the town.

“Young people are allowed to speak about reproductive health and their sexuality in a safe, non-threatening setting,” she added. (PNA)

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