Thursday, December 10, 2015

Keitech produces 182 new skilled workers

ORMOC CITY, Leyte, Dec. 8 (PNA) -- A total of 143 trainees for short-term courses received their certificates at Kananga EDC Institute of Technology (Keitech).
The graduates belong to the seventh batch of scholars of Keitech’s special three-month technical-vocational (tech-voc) training program.
For this batch, 55 trainees obtained certificates in electrical installation and maintenance, 48 are now certified plumbers and 40 are new carpenters. Each student received full scholarship including uniforms, shoes, safety gear, school supplies as well as accommodations and meals for the duration of their training.
The graduates come from Ormoc City and the towns of Kananga, Barugo, Burauen, Capoocan, Carigara, Dulag, Jaro, Julita, La Paz, MacArthur, Mayorga, Tabon-tabon and Tunga, all in Leyte; as well as Balangiga, Gen. MacArthur, Guiuan, Hernani and Mercedes in Eastern Samar. One came from Camarines Sur.
The enhanced single qualification skills training was started in April 2014 to assist the youth affected by super typhoon Yolanda to secure jobs in various reconstruction projects in the region. The target 1,080 beneficiaries will be trained in nine batches. The first six batches have produced 676 graduates, 481 of them or 71 percent have already found jobs in various construction projects.
A joint project of Energy Development Corp. (EDC), the municipal government of Kananga as well as Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda), Keitech was established in 2009 to be a world-class tech-voc training center with a training curriculum tailor-fit to the most in-demand jobs in construction, metals and engineering, tourism as well as health and social services.
While Keitech follows the prescribed curriculum of Tesda, it went one notch higher by incorporating life skills and a values formation program so that the trainees will acquire not just the technical skills but also the professionalism and right attitude towards work.
On-the-job trainings in more than 20 partner industries of Keitech await graduates, making each trainee a technically-competent and multi-skilled worker. Keitech also facilitates job placement schemes such as mapping of employment opportunities, labor market intelligence report, tie-ups with companies and industries, online job kiosks, job referrals, job fairs, and passport application.
All the intensive technical training and extra hours for values formation led to outstanding results with all Keitech graduates achieving a 100% passing rate in Tesda’s National Certification. All these remarkable achievements have won for Keitech the Tesda Kabalikat award for three years in a rown since 2013 for being the best tech-voc school in Region 8. (PNA)

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